COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic
We have started to do COVID-19 Vaccines in our clinic
1. Fact Sheets- Click on these links for more information
After care- Astra Zeneca Vaccine
After care- Pfizer Vaccine
Information- Astra Zeneca Vaccine
Information- Pfizer Vaccine
Clotting issues with Astra Zeneca Vaccine
Risks Vs Benefits of Astra Zeneca Vaccine
2. Book an appointment on the phone or on our website to have your COVID immunisation done
Ring the clinic on 5483 3333 to book an appointment. Alternatively, go to our homepage and click on “Book an Appointment” to make the appointment online.
3. COVID Vaccine clinics are run on different days, including weekends
We are running these clinics on different days, depending on stock arrival of the vaccine. At the moment we are doing the clinics on some weekdays and some weekends. We will be doing a regular, dedicated COVID Vaccine Clinics based on stock of the vaccines.
4. How is the COVID Immunisation clinic run?
When you arrive, please check in at the front desk. The doctor or nurse will call you in after that. You will be asked some questions and given some information about the vaccine. You will also be able to ask any questions. Once you have consented to have the vaccine, the doctor or nurse will give you the vaccine. You will then be asked to wait in the waiting room for 15 minutes, after which a staff member will let you know that you can leave. Before you leave, you will be asked to book in for your second dose as well.
5. Is there a cost?
There is no cost to the patient for coming to this clinic. When you come to the clinic, you will be assessed for suitability for the vaccine by the doctor/nurse. If you are deemed as suitable to have the vaccine, it will be administered to you, with your consent. If you are assessed as not suitable to have the vaccine, then the vaccine will not be administered to you. Either way, there will be no cost of any sort for the patient.
We will continue to provide regular updates on COVID-19 and its significance in the local area via our Facebook page.
Because these changes have occurred rapidly, we welcome any feedback that you may have as we continue to respond to this ever-changing climate.
There are many locations available to get COVID testing done. The main testing centre for our region is Kyneton Hospital. Please ring them on 5422 9900 to make an appointment for testing.
Here is a link from the Department of Health and Human Services, Victoria to help you locate a testing centre close to you. It does get updated regularly.